
We can start with a link to the download for Audacity, though I think we can look at what it is and how to use it first. Once you have looked at the video and read a bit of text, go ahead and download the software. Oh yea, you'll need a microphone. Any bigbox store will have what you need for less than 30 bucks.

Quick look at a 5 minute video first. This one is not from the CommonCraft folks.

Here are a variety of tutorials
from Audacity. More from wikieducator on using audacity. This guy has lots of videos on using Audacity. Some are a bit much, but after watching all 6 videos you should be good to go. If not, here is another great source of information on podcasting.

Now that we can make the podcasts, lets look at why we should use them in our classes. First I'll say that is is sites like this one that we should all be using to some extend. Further, we should be the ones who are helping create some of the content. To that end, it is important to be able to make and share podcasts. Learning in hand has some wonderful resources and should convince you of the potential of these audio clips.